Introducing… ZUPE - the Zanzo Underwater Portrait Experience
/Well this has been a long time coming.
We are finally ready to launch ZUPE! Super exciting!!
We have set up a separate page with some info so please go check that out! Basic info below...
What is ZUPE? Well it is a very clever anagram of Zanzo Underwater Portrait Experience and I kind of thought it sounded cool. Anyway…
The Zanzo studio is probably the best indoor shooting space in Tasmania and Hobart is surrounded by so many beautiful locations. But, if you were to ask me where my favourite place to photograph is, I would have to say "under the water".
There is just something so magical about underwater portraits. They can be fun, bright and colourful or whimsical and mysterious - i just love them. In fact, I was actually inspired to become a photographer as a stepping stone to pursuing underwater portraiture as a profession - bet you didn't know that!
If you have a pool (or have access to one) and you have some super water-confident kids, then maybe we should chat!
Give us a call on 6223 1155 and we can arrange your obligation-free planning appointment in the studio for some time soon. Very soon if possible… As much as we don't like to admit it, this warm weather won't hang around for long!
The session fee for a ZUPE shoot is $300 BUT, because you are special and we would love to have some fresh images in the portfolio, we have 5 shoots available in Feb for just $95*. Prints available at regular pricing.
We would love to hear from you soon!
Oh, one more thing… if you have friends who you think might like the idea, please share this with them. Sharing is caring and caring makes you feel good ;)
*There has to be a catch right? Yep. As we stated we need more images for use on the website, in brochures, posters etc so if you purchase one of these shoots, we'll need you to sign a model release. You can expect to have your beautiful new images showcased in these ways and maybe more. We'll talk about it more in person if you like :)