The Wombmates Project - Launch Party at brooke st pier Hobart
/On Sunday the 8th March, after 12 months of photographing twins and triplets from all over Tasmania, we opened the Wombmates Project Exhibition at the Brooke St Pier in style with 180 people (twins, triplets and their friends and families.) There was also bubbles and cheese. Mmmmm. The Exhibition kicked off the start of Multiple Birth Awareness Week 2015.
There are 50 Pieces on display. 101 multiples (and a few dads) feature in the exhibition. Way more than we had anticipated! We had so much fun catching up with all the families and were so proud to present Anita Manners (representing TAS Multiple Birth Association) with an awesome jumbo cheque representing the $4048 we raised for them. How cool is that?!
After that, she officially opened the exhibition with the ceremonial cutting of a ribbon. (Thanks William and Thomas for your help)
Huge thanks to our sponsors too, Epson and Art Poster Image Tech who have printed and stretched all of the artwork for the exhibition. It's such a great thing to be supported by amazing businesses like these guys.
We hope you can head on down the the Brooke St Pier between now and the 15th of March to check out The Wombmates Project Exhibition and while you are there you can vote for your favourite piece. It's open to the general public from 9am-6pm every day.
HUGE thanks to all those who participated in this project! Thanks to The Brooke St Pier for hosting their first exhibition and to Morilla and Grandview Cheese for supplying us with such tasty treats.
We'll definitely be shooting Wombmates MK2 in the near future so stay tuned for details or better yet, register your interest now here.
As Dean said in his speech, "creating this project was twice as much fun as we thought it would be" ;) !!
“Dean Mansbridge is a father or two young kids and a qualified early childhood teacher. His fun and emotive style of photography has won him plenty of awards (like the TAS Family Photographer of the year for the last 4 years) and his portraits adorn the walls of hundreds of Tasmanian family homes.
If you have been considering having portrait artwork created of your children or family, don’t hesitate to give him a call today on 6223 1155.”