A few months earlier, in September 2006 (so nearly 8 years ago - wow - seems like yesterday) I was asked to photograph the baby brother of one of the kids in the class I taught. His name was Harry and he was 6 months old.
I charged them 50 Pounds (about $125 then) and I had no idea what I was doing. I had only recently bought a digital SLR on ebay but that was all I needed. That, and a peach.
After a brief chat at school at pick-up time, we planned to meet at their house and then go outside for a play and a bit of a photoshoot.
The night before I meticulously cleaned my camera. charged the batteries, formatted the cards and packed my bag. I was so prepared but really, looking back now, I had no idea what I was doing. What could possibly go wrong?
I got there early.
It rained.
A lot.
Like constant sheets of water drenching the earth. That's a bit dramatic but English rain can be intense and this was. Constant and relentless.
Anyway, so my trusty, pregnant, assistant and I hooked up a blanket in Harry's tiny living room and I got out my camera.
Harry cried. His big brother (who I knew quite well) ran off to his room. The mum looked at me… this was not going well.
After a bit of coaxing, big bro came out and helped me make Harry a bit happier by giving him a peach. I don't know why, but a peach.
So, here is my first ever commissioned baby portrait.
I call it - "Harry with a peach"